Pastor Vascilica Croitor



Vasilica Croitor
Pastor | Overseer

Vascilica Croitor oversees 12 Churches in the Medgidia Romania area as well as one church in Conatanta located on the coast of the Black Sea. Other ministries Pastor Vasi oversees a community center located in Medgidia which includes a community library, housing for students and missions guest as well as a professional Print Shop which has been a powerful tool for translating some of the most popular Christian books from English to Romanian. Recently the church in Constanta and the community center area serving over 500 Ukraine refugees effected by the war with Ukraine and Russia.


In 2010 Pastor Vasi was awarded The European Christian Book of the Year with the book “Redeeming Our Memory” (Rascumpararea Memoriei) The book is a solid volume of true history, based on the study of thousands of documents, many interviews and research through the archives of the Communist regime. Vasilica Croitor unveils the ideology, institutions, church context, social context, and even the psychological mindset that made up the complex world of Romanian churches between 1945 and 1989.”


The Print Shop

Ukraine Disaster Relief

Many refugees are now safe in one of our Partner Network Centers and churches in Romania. Teams also cross the border into Ukraine with vans full of essential humanitarian aid for the churches in Ukraine. Just across the border cities that were intensely attacked since the beginning of the war are receiving supplies just hours after a new series of devastating bombings ended.


Journey Global Missions

Journey Global Missions was inspired by Paul’s missionary journeys to Asia Minor and Europe which played a crucial role in the formation and development of the First Century Church. Today Journey Global Missions continues to embrace the biblical fundamentals of the early Church by assisting and working with the local Church and those sent and supported by the local Church. Paul’s journey, his inspired teachings and instruction which started in the local Church at Antioch were consistent with Matthew 28: 19-20 when Jesus said: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you;”


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